We interrupt this blog for a very important message...
I'm sorry for not paying attention to what's going on in blogland these days, but I do have an excuse! I have been "Out of Town" for a Winter Vacation (Hubby gifted me with a nice Florida trip, and I spent some quality time with my Brother, Len, and my Sister/Friend, Jean.)
Postings here have been automatic for a while now. I knew I would be traveling a lot this year, so I built up a grand arsenal of future posts enough to get me through. If you don't hear from me, it's because I'm on the road.
That is why I am taking this opportunity to Thank You for all the nice comments here, and mentions on your blogs and FB and Twitter, Google + and LinkdIn. It really means a lot to me. And know this: when I finally return to my trusty comp, I DO attempt to catch up with your activities, and I DO visit the pages of new followers! Guess you could say I'm hooked on you!
Thanks, again, so very much!
xoxoxo, cd
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