Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I don't remember who sent this to me...

xoxoxo, cd


  1. Hilarious Clare LOL
    Just up my street.
    Not sure what musical in came from because I just cannot remember LOL but I think she should have been dressed like a cat LOL
    Pity others have not yet stumbled on it - in time lass, in time!

    I'm supposed to be taking a break but as you can see I can't stay away!!
    I have been decorating the landing, hall and stairwell today and have to photos and idea for another funny post! Must write it up soon.
    Bye for now

  2. Stopped in to say hello and to thank you for all the kind words you've posted on my blog. I hope you're family is doing well. You seem like a good person. Things usually have a way of working out. I'm glad my post had some meaning for you. As I'm writing this I just realized that I'm not so alone because there are people like you out there. Take care.
